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Red Paddle Co Quick Release SUP Safety Leash Waist Belt (SUP Sicherheits Hüftgurt)
Artikel-Nr.: 22.98767
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Deutschlands ab 60 € Bestellwert.
Zumindest 5 % Nachlass auf alles, inklusive reduzierter Ware, für registrierte Kunden.





  • Stay safe, worry less with the essential quick release safety belt, always ready for your adventure on the water
  • Easy to use and convert, simply attach any ankle leash cuff to the waist belt using the d-ring and leash string
  • Quick releasing, for when the water is powerful, and you can’t reach your ankle in a dangerous situation
  • Sleek Minimal design sits comfortably under personal floatation devices, allowing you to be safe at all times
  • Made to last, using 37mm woven polyester webbing for strength and quick release push clasp for convenient adjusting

Never get caught out by the powerful water, with the quick release safety belt.

In the unlikely event that you have to separate from your paddle or surf board, there is an easy to reach toggle at the waist, which puts you in control at all times.

Easy to use and convert any leash cuff, simply attach the ankle leash to the waist belt using the d-ring and leash string. The sleek and minimal design even sits comfortably under personal floatation devices for that extra level of safety.

Dimensions: 1.4m length of black 37mm webbing


Auf Lager - SOFORT ABHOLBEREIT oder lieferbar innerhalb 1-3 Tagen bei Versand

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